2020 Online Business Meeting

Saturday, August 1 – 8:00 a.m. via Zoom

Constitutionally the Texas District is required to hold an annual business meeting in order to hear annual reports, approve the budget for 2020-2021, elect District Council members, and attend to any other business as needed. This annual business meeting, constitutionally referred to as a convention, will still occur on Saturday, August 1 as previously scheduled at 8 a.m.
The meeting will be led by LCMC Texas District Council members and presided over by Jon Bielfeldt, Chair of the District Council. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom to accommodate participants from across the state. This technology allows for delegates to interact and vote electronically.
Preregistration for voting delegates is required to participate in the meeting. Registration will close one hour before the start of the meeting. Each congregation is entitled to two voting delegates. Congregations with average worship attendance of 250-450 are entitled to three voting delegates. Larger congregations are entitled to a fourth delegate. Only voting delegates who preregister for the meeting will be able to attend and have voice and vote. Each congregation determines for themselves who will officially represent the congregation as a voting delegate for the meeting.
In order to abide by the constitution’s requirement to provide 60-day notice, Our Saviour’s in Victoria will serve as the meeting place of record and will be open for any voting delegates who wish to attend on site. Any attending in person in Victoria will still need to preregister and will participate in the meeting utilizing the same Zoom platform as everyone else participating online from home.
The Texas District’s bylaws provide for this meeting to be held online:
  • B5.09 Nothing in these bylaws is intended to discourage electronic participation in Texas District’s affairs, provided such electronic participation is consistent with good order and ballot integrity, voting and election procedures.
To register, follow the link below. Only District Council members and voting delegates from Texas District congregations are allowed to register.
Visitors are welcome to watch the meeting. It will be livestreamed on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/lcmctexas
Questions? Contact Bryce Formwalt: 512-942-7776 or bryce@lcmctexas.org


Contact Bryce Formwalt at 512.942.7776.