Mission Growth
Multiplying Disciples and Churches
God is calling us to be an association of healthy Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ across Texas actively making disciples, equipping leaders, and engaging in Gospel mission in our communities and beyond.
Through intentional relationships, we are equipping leaders, strengthening congregations, and inspiring mission.

- We believe in the authority of Jesus Christ and His command to make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- We recognize America as the world’s third-largest mission field.
- We can see a time when tens of thousands of new believers in Texas respond in faith to hearing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
- We envision coaching and training church planters to establish vibrant, healthy, disciple-making, and reproducing churches.
- We envision every LCMC Texas District congregation investing in the mission of planting new churches.
Prayer Support
Pray for God’s Spirit to move in Texas. Just do it!
James tells us that “the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much.” Now, none of us are righteous enough for our prayers to availeth even a little, but we know a guy who said to pray using His authority. In Jesus’ name, pray with us that the Lord would send workers to join in the harvest!