I don’t know about you, but I am tired. I’m not the kind of tired that can be managed by an extra hour or two of sleep. Rather I am talking about the rhythms of a full and busy life where there are simply not enough hours in the day, days in the week, or weeks in the month to get everything done. The day-to-day activities of life, even life in ministry, can result in a weariness that can steal our joy of living the life that we are so busy living that we really aren’t actually living! Have you ever felt this way?
As I think about my weariness and the endless “To Do” lists, I recall a conversation I had with my mom 20 years ago. She had called me just to chat and I didn’t really have the time. I told her I was busy, and she asked what I had going on that day. I rattled off all the things I had to get done and she replied: “Oh, my! You are busy. It sounds like you probably need to pray.” I was frustrated with her: “Mom, I don’t have time to pray!” As soon as I said it, I realized how foolish I was. My mother answered, “Bryce, listen to yourself. You’re a pastor! You are too busy NOT to pray!”
As was often the case, my mom was right. No matter how busy I am or how much is on my calendar, my “To Do” list pales in comparison to Jesus’: there were always more sick people to heal, more demons to cast out, more sins to forgive, more disciples to teach, and more towns to visit. Remarkably, Jesus never seemed to be in a hurry and yet made an impact everywhere he went.
In Luke 5:14-15, we read this about Jesus: But the news about him spread even more, and large crowds would come together to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. Yet he often withdrew to deserted places and prayed. No matter what demands of ministry Jesus faced, he regularly retreated for quiet time with his Father in heaven. Do I really think I don’t need this in my life?
Once again, I must come to terms with the ways that I fall short of what I think I should be as a follower of Jesus, as a husband and a father, and as a pastor. In the busyness of my life, I need to remember that I am too busy not to pray. I long to live an unhurried and yet impactful life like Jesus did. And that means I need to regularly withdraw for prayer and fellowship with God. Whenever I do, God restores my soul and fills me up to continue to carryout the work he created me for. I invite you to join me in this and expect that we will be amazed at all the Lord accomplishes in us and through us.