You might have noticed the black and yellow promotional material that we’ve been sending out for a few months promoting LOVE WORKS. You might be asking, “What in the world are they talking about?” If you have, well I’m glad you asked. If you have not been curious, well I hope you are interested now! LOVE WORKS is our theme for the 15th Annual LCMC Texas District Gathering this summer, July 26-27 at Zion in Kerrville. The theme this year was born out of the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke chapter 10. Our District Council selected this as the biblical foundation for our Gathering to focus our attention on our call to love God and our neighbors.
We are excited to welcome Greg and Susan Finke to be our keynote speakers. Greg is a Lutheran pastor, author, speaker, and leadership coach who, along with his wife, Susan, has dedicated his ministry to helping the church rediscover the art of loving neighbors with the love of Jesus. Greg has authored three Joining Jesus books, with his wife Susan co-authoring their most recent book, Joining Jesus as a Family.
It was Greg who suggested the title LOVE WORKS for two particular reasons. First, we read in Ephesians 2:8-10, For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift—not from works, so that no one can boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do. Therefore, while our good works will never save us nor prosper us with blessings from God, we are saved for good works and are called to love the works that God created us for. Second, in his work with congregations and leaders, Greg is more convinced than ever that LOVE actually WORKS to share the Good News of Jesus with our neighbors and to see lives and communities transformed by the in-breaking of the Kingdom of God as Christ dwells among us.
I am thrilled to once again listen and learn from Greg and Susan Finke. Even more than that, I cannot wait to see what the Lord will do as people from across our association are impacted by this Gathering! I want to personally invite you to attend. If you have never been to one of our Gatherings before, I am confident that you will be abundantly blessed by the worship, fellowship, education, and inspiration that you will experience. If you are veteran attendee, then you already know how great these Gatherings are and we welcome you to join us again. Looking forward to seeing you in Kerrville! #LoveWorks2024
Learn more and register online: www.lcmctexas.org/annual-gathering. Register by June 30 and save!